Saturday, June 2, 2007

Why I've Been Scarce

Just in case anybody noticed that I haven't been around much lately, I feel an explanation is overdue. First and foremost, we came back from our business meeting last week up to our eyeballs in work, all of it needed yesterday. This is a very good thing and we are grateful, but it is not leaving a lot of time for extra-curricular activities. Second, and almost as important, 2 events in the past couple of weeks have left me feeling jaded. 1st was the Dems cave on the war funding bill. I am beginning to lose hope (with the one bright exception of John Edwards). 2nd was Cindy Sheehan's valedictory, «here», if you haven't seen it.

Somehow, the 2 events occurring in rat-a-tat fashion left me feeling a bit stunned. I am sure that I will get over it and find my rage again, but right now, I'm almost as tired as Cindy of the whole thing. I will try to up my contribution here again over the next few days and maybe events with jar me out of my torpor.


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