Friday, July 13, 2007

Bomb Iran?

Before you get all gung-ho about attacking Iran (and I'm speaking to the war mongering Rethugs that occasionally pass through here), read this insightful post from Brother Lurch:


Let’s briefly recap: just about everything in the US runs on the internal combustion engine. People moved into the suburbs to get away from the awful, crowded cities, but many drive 30 to 50 miles a day to work. Unless you work in a major city like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, or Philadelphia, you don’t have a truly reliable public transportation system to rely on.

Most of our food is carried by semi-trailers. Are you ready for chicken at $8 or $9 a pound? Lettuce at $7 a head? $7.50 for a gallon of milk?


If you like gasoline at $3 a gallon, you’re going to love it at $8 $13 when the oil tankers stop sailing.


The oil producing nations have us by the short and curlies. Why do you think the Saudis have the ability to summon the Vice President of the United States to read him the riot act? Kicking them in the nuts right now might not be the best idea of the year.

Off to the shop; TGIF ...

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