Saturday, July 28, 2007

"Dave ain't here, man ..."*

The wonderful TRex (were I gay, he'd be mine) on the conference call the White House had with conservative bloggers the other day:

Right Wing bloggers are the kinds of guys who get a couple sheets to the wind and decide they want to do some blow, so they call up this one guy they’re pretty sure does drugs who works at their law-firm and shout down their cell phone at him from a crowded bar, “Dude! Pete, man! It’s Chad! Chad Anderson! Chad! Anderson! Right, from down the hall, listen man, do you know how we could GET SOME DRUGS? Like some COKE OR SOMETHING? We’d like totally share with you, man! Hello? Hello?!”


Note to conservatives: Just as you "can't handle the truth", you also can't handle drugs. I could just imagine the shit they'd write stoned, or wired on coke. Bad enough Ann OutAlthouse vlogs drunk.


Not only do they happily report to the White House via conference call to get their weekly ration of talking points about How to Spin Questions of Executive Privilege, but then they go around and thump their chests around their even smaller-dicked buddies to brag about it. Think about that. [my em]


Remind me never to get arrested with a conservative. We'd both be doing 25 to Life for puffin' a dube by the time he shut up.


“Hey, Chester, a bunch of Liberty University grads who work for a guy with a 29% approval rating just told me exactly what to say and think for the next week until they call me back! Oh, shit! I forgot to ask them how I’m supposed to wipe my ass!”


Something they should have thought about before they left their steaming piles on the interwebs.


I don’t think the Bush administration is in a position to be giving anybody advice right now. But regardless of that, Right Wingers, you’ve got this all wrong. Blogging is not meant to be a top-down thing. They call the grassroots the grassroots because they grow from the bottom upward.


Another note to conservatives: While we're speaking of grass (on several levels), it's planted green side up.

*Aplogies to Cheech & Chong fans.

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