Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fuck them too ...

As I noted below, the idiots who wanted this war, the clowns who claim to "support the troops", also don't give much of a shit about the lives they destroy in their quest for Oil and Rapture:

Chart shamelessly stolen from Pygalgia.

Being it's so dangerous for those labeled 'collaborators', those who signed up for jobs with the 'coalition', let alone those displaced by our military machinations, you'd think we'd make it easier for them to find refuge here.

Ah, but that's the crux of the biscuit, isn't it? The morons who love this war have no love for people who are not white, English-speaking, or Christian. The Iraqis are nothing but sandniggers and savages and they sure as hell don't want them here. In their racist, bigoted minds, we got enough Mexicans and real niggers here already.

While the troops are just little green plastic men to be played with, the refugees are merely untermenschen, less than human, with no feelings, no lives, no hopes and dreams with which the chickenhawks should be concerned. They're the black shit between the elephant's toes, the slow-moving pygmies who couldn't get out of the leviathan's way. Of no consequence when oil is the prize.

But there are consequences arising from our actions, whether we acknowledge them or not, and those consequences will revisit us regularly for the foreseeable future. We will be paying for our sins in Iraq for a long time.

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