Friday, July 20, 2007

Ho Hum. Another GOP/Christianist/Hooker Deal

Pensito Review

President of the Christian Action League, 74, Is Arrested after Paying Hooker with Checks

Seventy-four? You'd think the old fucker would be content to get his rocks off the way most older Southern preachers do - from watching all the young boys and girls in their white shifts during full immersion baptisms down at the hand holding them under and the other, well, you get the idea...

I don't know who's more stupid - him for paying with a check, or her for taking one.

Rev. Coy Privette, the president of the Christian Action League, a North Carolina ultraconservative Christian political organization based in Raleigh, has been arrested for soliciting prostitution

I don't want to say anything mean about this gal, who's no doubt doing doing whatever it takes to get by, but go take a look at her.

The Christian Action League is funded by the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, and it is affiliated with the ultra-rightwing American Family Association.

For over three decades, Privette has been one of the best known and most outrageous spokesmen for "family values" and Christian extreme right politics in North Carolina. In the 1970s, he was serving as minister at the North Kannapolis Baptist Church when he joined the tide of evangelicals entering politics that included the Moral Majority and Christian Coalition. He served in the N.C. Legislature from 1984 to 1992, and has been a member of the board of commissioners in Cabarrus County since 1998.

Ah, the usual suspects. It does my heart good to see yet another one of these 'family values' hypocrites get caught at it.

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