Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Media Putz of the Week

Media Putz, "honoring reporters who just can't handle the truth", presented last week's award to Bill O'Rally of Fixed Noise.

Chris Matthews may have beat out Bill O'Reilly for being the first media whore installed into the BuzzFlash Media Putz Hall of Shame, but the gasbag, lusting loofah man, Bill O'Reilly was just a step behind.

Since there are nearly as many Media Putzes as there are GOP Hypocrites, we are trying to select weekly winners for their most recent acts of media prostitution.

This week, we chose John Christman's nomination of O'Reilly for trying to intimidate a high school student who had done his homework on Bill's intimidating hypocrisy. It all has to do with one of those demagogic distorted FOX faux stories, like its hype last winter that there is a conspiracy to do away with Christmas.

Details of his most recent act of media whoredom follow. They don't have the bandwidth to go back very far, nor do they need to.

Bill O'Reilly, you are indeed a trendsetting Media Putz -- and more than merit being named the second recipient of this dubious BuzzFlash distinction.

Like a high-dollar hooker, you really know how to fake it. (my em)

Every edition of the "Factor," you remind us how easy it is to separate journalism from the truth.

O'Rally's not really a reporter, journalist, or newsman, but he plays one on TV and lots of old 'tards fall for the act, so he more than deserves the award.

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