Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Old fogeys

The reason I'm on this tangent this morning is thanks to Skippy and the post he directed me to:

... As a middle-aged working stiff and family man, I can't say that I always understand this younger cohort that is coming into adulthood, but I do enjoy learning from them ...

My dad once told me Mick and the Stones were just a passing fad. He thought I was completely out of my mind the first time I came home on leave with an earring. He always gave me the "one day you'll grow up and realize how immature that stuff is". Well, that was 30 years ago. Dad's dead, Mick is still making music and bucks, and I still have my earring.

That said, I'm in my dad's position now (I'm 44), looking at the younger generation, and I listen to my friends come out with the "kids today" complaints and I laugh.

... The perception of one's own generation as innately superior has always struck me as funny ...

The kids today, in general for there are idiots and assholes in every demographic, seem like a great bunch, regardless of their tattoos, piercings, iPods, and whatever other shit defines their generation. Remember, our icons? Tie-dye, bell-bottoms, window pane acid? Same shit. They'll grow up and most of them will turn out to be decent, productive, law-abiding members of society.

I see it with Sam, who works with us at the shop, and her friends, who might dress a little fucked up, but are all good, responsible kids.

Read both posts and think about where you were in your teens. The 'kids today' are good kids, smarter and more savvy than we were. Enjoy being with young people instead of looking down your nose at them. You just might learn something.

Off to the shop ...

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