Monday, July 30, 2007

Partisanship ...

"Oh those mean Democrats, they're so partisan," the wankers cry. I don't know, maybe I went through the last 6 years in a different space-time continuum but, seems to me, the Rethugs wrote the book on 'partisan'. Digby:


The Republicans have been scorched earth, take-no-prisoners radicals for the last two decades and under Bush they took it to unheard of levels. Even today, they are sticking with their leader come hell or high water, the only exception being his half hearted effort to legalize some low wage immigrant labor for his corporate masters, and even that was a suicidal political rush over a cliff, alienating voters who they are desperately going to need in the coming years.

When it comes to "partisanship" the Republicans have turned it into a fetish --- a risky, self destructive form of political autoerotic asphyxiation in which they are willing to risk killing themselves for the sake of the ultimate thrill. It's one of the reasons we are having such a hard time wrapping our minds around how to deal with these people. They are not behaving like decent national leaders, we know that; but they are also not behaving like normal craven politicians. [my em]


Maybe the next time the Rethugs try to foist a 'Manchurian Candidate' upon us, all you people who "want to have a beer with him" will remember the last asshole you helped put there.

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