Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Saudi arms deal

I don't like it any more than you do but Larry Johnson gives us the ultimate clarity:


Tell the Saudis to fuck off? Sure, as soon as we start pissing oil we can do that ...


Those leaking the news of the arms deal clearly want to sabotage the deal. They are playing to the fear that the Saudis are backing Sunnis extremists who are infiltrating Iraq and attacking U.S. troops. Yep. That is true. While it is not an “official” policy of Saudi Arabia, they are still not going out of their way to stop well-heeled Saudis from sending bucks and bodies to fight the crusaders and to keep the Shias at bay. Frankly, if we were in the same position as the Saudis we would be doing the same thing. Until we reassure the Saudis that we are not going to let Iran rule the region they are going to continue to send men and dollars to support Sunni tribes in Iraq who will fight the apostate shia. We still have not figured out the Sunni, Shia thing. [my ems]


The Saudis have our testicles in the palm of their collective hand and can crush our nuts whenever they want. Until we come up with an alternative power source, we'll have to take what we get from them and give them what they want (you don't want $10/gal gas, do you?). Unfortunately, when you have the connections (on several levels) our President and Vice President have to the oil industry, the Saudis will be reaming us at will for the foreseeable future.

Update (Sunday morning):

And if Congress quashes this deal, I would certainly hope they cut off the other part too. You know, the part that gives Israel $30bln in new armaments. Just sayin'.

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