Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tell me ...

Why does the Senate hate the troops?

Senate Republicans scuttled a Democratic proposal ordering troop withdrawals from Iraq in a showdown Wednesday that capped an all-night debate on the war.

The 52-47 vote fell short of the 60 votes needed to cut off debate under Senate rules. It was a sound defeat for Democrats who say the U.S. military campaign, in its fifth year and requiring 158,000 troops, cannot tame the sectarian violence in Iraq.[..]

I've about had it with our elected officials, all of them. Though, as Nicole says:

It’s disappointing to say the least…however, now we have these Republicans (and honorary Republicans, like Joe Lieberman) on record ...

I suggest keeping a list of things about your reps that piss you off during their term so you remember just why you shouldn't reelect them in November.

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