Friday, July 13, 2007

"You win, you rule."

Good rant at ePluribusMedia Community.

In President Bush's case, he comes from of a particularly unsavory ultra right-wing Protestant religious influence that combines its influence on controlling his self-destructive personal habits with its claims that God's law supercedes man's laws and that the true believer must be obedient to the former.

The likes of Dick Cheney and others, of course, don't require the religious trappings on this notion. For them, Scalia is sufficient: You win, you rule.

Bush is constantly told that God is working through him. On the road to full Biblical rule, he must act without respect for the Constitution. He must wiretap, he must allow Guantanamo, he must permit Abu Ghraib, he must defend Cheney's refusal to disclose, he must sanction leaks exposing covert CIA operations, he must stack the court system, all this and more with disdain and disregard for the Constitution.

For him, it's not only because he can, but because God is telling him to.

I wish God actually would talk to Bush. Just once. I wish He'd tell him to shut the fuck up and go home.

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