Thursday, July 12, 2007

Your party of 'Moral Values'

Not that I care who you sleep with as long as they're a consenting adult, but if you wrap yourself in the cloak of 'morality' (gays are the anti-Christ), maybe you should practice what you preach or shut the fuck up.

Titusville police say they have arrested Florida State Rep. Robert "Bob" Allen, of Merrit Island, on second degree misdemeanor charges for soliciation for prostiution.


Officers say they noticed Allen acting suspicious as he went in and out of the men's restroom 3 times. Minutes later, he solicited an undercover male officer inside the restroom, offering to perform oral sex for $20. Officers realized he was a public figure after the arrest.


I'm tired of these Rethug hypocrites minding my business and preaching their sanctimonious bullshit. Let me ask you Christians something. Don't you think they are just as hypocritical when interpreting the Message of the Lord? Just sayin'. It's your souls you're worried about. I'm good.

Thanks to Maru for the link.


Lambert has more from the DC Madam:

... Jeanette says that most of the clients who wanted to be dominated were Republicans. She cracks a smile, then adds, “They wanted to be spanked and tortured and wear stockings—Republicans have impeccable taste in silk stockings—and these are the people who run our country.


Like I said, I give a shit what you do behind closed doors, but don't persecute people for practicing the same kinks you do.

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