Sunday, August 5, 2007

All you need to know ...

About the FISA 'compromise' the Dem dupes gave the Chimp. Larisa:


Make NO mistake, we are in serious peril when an Attorney General who has subverted the Constitution per request of his boss, lied, obstructed justice, and defended torture, is now in full authority to declare who is going to be a target of warrant-less surveillance. You may not see this as seriously as I do, but then again, you have not lived under a dictatorship to know the difference. Mostly though, the people who failed most, are the citizens of this country - who should have taken to the streets and shut down all commerce, all traffic, and disengaged from the machine of government. You did not shut it down. You did not even try. You waited as your hopes were put entirely in the hands of cowards. [my em]


Sadly, she is correct. Sadly, we are too comfortable. Sadly, we most probably deserve what befalls us in the future until enough of those comforts are taken from us. Maybe then we'll take our nation back. Maybe not. Maybe, like an addict, we have to hit bottom before we see the light. There's still a long way to fall.

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