Thursday, August 2, 2007

Dear Ms. Pelosi ...

Larisa writes letters:

I cannot fathom why you would think it wise on any level to grant more power to those who have already so abused it, but since you are bent on enabling the imperial presidency, let me just remind you of something: There is nothing wrong with the FISA law that the impeachment of Dick Cheney cannot resolve. We, the public know this. More importantly, we the press know that giving the President more surveillance power is not only un-Constitutional, it is also a direct and full frontal assault on the press. Or did you actually think that Karl Rove and his new spy toy are going to go looking for Osama bin who?


Your compromise with the decider is far too much for this nation to have to tolerate. Allowing any such compromise to even to come to the floor for a vote indicates that you are still of the belief that the administration wants to work with Congress, when in fact, they have nothing but contempt for you. In my opinion, Ms. Pelosi, you giving the Decider even more power to abuse is tantamount to declaring war on the public and the press, something that is impossible to keep silent about. [my em]


There are elections every year. Every two years we elect congressional reps. They can be replaced. If the Dems don't understand why they won both houses of Congress last year, I'm sure there are others waiting in the wings who do.

I hope the Dems will remember the Rethugs' battle cry, "elections have consequences". Hopefully, Ms. Pelosi and the rest of her spineless cadre will make the Rethugs face these consequences but as things stand now, it's just 'business as usual'.

Americans are pissed. I encourage all the Dems to watch Jack Cafferty on Wolfie's in the evenings. Listen to the viewer emails he reads. I remember, back a few years, when the majority supported the Chimp and Rethugs. Big difference today. Too bad the Dems don't see it.

And just a note to Ms. Pelosi: Since you live in California, my dear, why don't you stop over at my friend's house and have a look at his new t-shirt? If you still don't get it, I'm sure he'd be happy to explain it to ya over coffee.

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