Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I'll be late but ...

[A big tip o' the Brain to Salon and Sideshow readers.]

I can't let this slide. From a good article about Bush's base*, I lift this quote from a bigot homophobe Bush supporter:


"The Democrats keep complaining and whining about intrusion or privacy and all that," Heiser said. "If we didn't have that, then the terrorists would be blowing us up. The stuff he's done is what's protected us. Every big city in this country is pretty much liberal, but guess where the terrorists are going to hit first? They're going to hit the big cities. That's what I think is so funny about the Democrats."


Listen to me. This is a prime example of cowardice in action. An example of "I'm so scared I'm shaking in my boots and I'll give up my freedom, my rights, and most of all my dignity to feel safe" mentality. How much you wanna bet this guy is all "rah-rah, kill the ragheads" to his buddies at the circle jerk golf course? Heh, a 'raghead' ever looked at him cross-eyed, he'd probably shit himself.

Look, this stupid shit is what got us into this mess after 9/11. Everybody, including our leaders, were scared shitless and let Bush/Cheney do anything they wanted "to keep us safe". See post below.

And by the way? Were I a terrorist planning to do something to have the biggest effect on the U.S. I tell you what I would do. One beautiful September day, just after school is back in session, schoolhouses all across the American 'heartland' would start blowing up. You think I'd try something in a place where NYPD Hercules teams come out of the woodwork with more firepower than a Marine infantry squad? Puh ...

Bush has his base so snowed it's incredible. Cowards with beer muscles who are convinced they're protecting the 'liberal' cities from harm. Assholes like this are what got us into this ungodly clusterfuck to begin with.

And a side note to W. Thomas Smith: Go fuck yourself.

Oy, gotta go ...

*Great thanks to AMERICAblog

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