Friday, August 3, 2007

Iraq Contractors to Have Hooker-in-Residence


Good news, boys: “Tori” the Escort is going to be in Baghdad’s Green Zone for an extended tour, starting next week! Thanks to the graciousness of the Private Security Company Association of Iraq, Tori from Atlanta will be working out of a secured compound in the green zone, “entertaining all members of the PMC community registered with PSCAI with a few stipulations.” Private contractors are invited to contact her for an appointment.

My apologies but at this time I am unable to plan any meetings w/active duty military. (*The members of PMC community has an exclusive arrangement during this visit*) Kisses ~Tori

Private Contractors are truly the unsung heroes of this glorious war, so we’re thrilled to see their hard work rewarded. Nothing like flying in a hooker an erotic escort to keep that celebrated reconstruction work humming along smoothly!

Tori is well-reviewed (MAN-NEEDS101 gave her a perfect 10 for performance! She should be hired to fucking run security over there with those kind of numbers!) and disease free, so if you happen to be in Baghdad’s International Zone this August, give her a ring!

The article doesn't say who pays, whether the customers or us, but I'll bet it's us in the end. We always get it in the end. If I'm buyin' nookie with my tax money, it should be for the troops.

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