Friday, August 3, 2007

On nukes ...

This is where it is, bottom line. If you take nukes off the table, you might as well get rid of them. That's it.

Now, I'm not saying we should threaten Mecca or Medina, like that twit Tancredo, or any particular place in any particular nation. What I am saying is that there is no point having a weapon if you're not willing to use it.

It's like the gun weenies who have guns as a penis extension. "I'm gonna protect my [stuff, family, rights] and nobody's gonna take my gun away". I always ask them if they've ever aimed at someone and pulled the trigger. I always ask them if they're capable of doing it. Unless you've been there, you don't know what it takes to point a gun at someone and kill them. If you can't, don't have a gun because if you pull it on someone like me, they're gonna take it away from you and shove it up your ass.

Same with nukes. What the fuck you think kept the Russians from doing whatever the fuck they wanted during the Cold War? What the fuck do you think is keeping Osama or any other terrorist-sponsoring state from facilitating a dirty bomb attack here? Homeland Security? Chertoff and his gut? No, not hardly. Osama, Ahmedinejad, and every other wannabe tinhorn asshole knows that the minute there is a nuclear detonation in the United States, Iran, or whatever state facilitated the attack, would be turned into a smoking, glowing, hole in the ground. Period.

They don't mind sending mentally challenged, hopeless morons to martyr themselves, but they sure ain't willing to give up what they got. No, ladies and germs. Every nation on earth should know we are willing to use whatever is in our arsenal to defend ourselves. Don't like nukes? (For the record, I don't either and think they should be abolished.) Pressure your politicians to outlaw and dismantle them but as long as they're in the inventory, they should never be 'taken off the table'.

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