Wednesday, October 31, 2007

More 'moral values' ...

Imagine that. Yet another Rethug hypocrite busted:

Good grief. It's an endless flood of GOP sexual hypocrites. In Spokane, an alleged extortion attempt that involves a conservative (and very anti-gay) state legislator and a male escort. The story just reeks of the usual factors -- the closet, self-loathing, and poor choice of rent boy. I'm sure more facts are forthcoming that will "clear up matters."


Pam has updated several times with all the detail of this sordid business.

Just a hint to Rethugs. If you want the public to believe all the bullshit you shovel, you might want to clean up your acts a bit. Weekly sex scandals don't cut it when you wrap yourselves in the cloak of 'morality'.

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