Monday, October 29, 2007

Straitjacket Bush

Rosa Brooks with a good read:

The president's warmongering remarks on the Iranian threat suggest he is psychotic. Really.

Forget impeachment.

Liberals, put it behind you. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney shouldn't be treated like criminals who deserve punishment. They should be treated like psychotics who need treatment.

Impeachment has pretty much been 'forgotten' by those who can, and should, do it.

Other than that, Ms. Brooks is far too kind to those two bastards. Yes, they're insane, but not in any good way. They're insane in a socio/pathological obsessive criminal way, where they'll say or do anything, tell any lie, fake any emotion, instill false fears in the gullible (of which there are still plenty), in short, do whatever it takes to continue their warmongering oil and power grab, all in the name of 'patriotism', and the Devil take the hindmost. The Constitution and the United States being the 'hindmost'.

Yes, they should be in straitjackets. They should be wearing them while dangling from a gallows frame.

I'll go along with merely institutionalizing them, though, if we can try my new 'treatment' which I concocted just for B&C and their neocon ilk, which involves lots of greasy, gassy food, a straitjacket, and scads of sneezing powder. Applied 'liberally', so to speak. A coupla months of that and they'll beg for the gallows.

But their pleas will go unheeded. At least for a while. Why spoil our fun? We'll get tired of it eventually and let them recover and clean up and get back to 'normal'. Then we'll hang 'em.

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