Monday, November 19, 2007

Call Bill Bennett ...

Rudy's displaying his 'moral values' again.

Yes, it seems I'm intent on shoving it up Rudy's ass this morning. I hate Mondays and who better to take it out upon before I have to go to work and deal with the general public?

In league with his great personnel decisions I highlighted in the post below, it seems he picks pillars of the community to be his friends too:

Rudy Giuliani is jetting around the country wooing Bible-thumping conservatives, but his plane is often provided by a king of Sin City.

The Republican presidential hopeful anted up more than $122,000 last summer alone for jets traceable to casino kingpin Sheldon Adelson, whose Las Vegas Sands empire has made him the third-richest American, a Daily News review of campaign records shows.


Hmmm. What would Jesus say?


"You have to follow the money and ask, 'Why is Sheldon Adelson partnering with Rudy Giuliani?'" asked Stacey Cargill, an anti-gambling and Republican Party activist in Iowa, where the nation's first presidential caucus is set for Jan. 3.

Cargill, who views even legal gambling as a magnet for crime and vice, said, "If Rudy Giuliani wants to be the crimefighting candidate, why is he partnering with a large and growing gambling empire?" [my ems]


And before you say "everybody does it":


Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama accept no corporate aircraft, choosing instead to rent planes at full market cost to avoid the appearance of a conflict.


And some even like to travel with the 'Great Unwashed':


Some even rub elbows with the common folk: Democrats Christopher Dodd and Dennis Kucinich were spotted flying commercial to last week's Las Vegas debate.


Rudy ain't about change or making anything better. Rudy is about Rudy. That and making his friends, some of whom are the shadiest of motherfuckers, wealthier.

Tip o' the Brain to Mr. Aravosis for the link.

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