Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Closet Full Of Skeletons

I don't pretend to understand New York politics. I'll leave that to Fixer, but I know a lot more now than I did a few minutes ago. It's important now that JulieAnnie is threatening to make Noo Yawk corruption burst onto the national scene, even more pertinent to me because of his shenanigans here in California. Here's just the last coupla sentences in a very long and informative article in The Village Voice:

What few understand is that these bold and tawdry ties haven't been some incidental subplot to Rudy Giuliani's life. They are part of the main narrative, and, as Kerik proves, they provide a revealing look on the character and judgment that he would bring to the White House.

There's a whole Giuliani/Mukasey/Schumer/Political Patronage thing goin' on. The hell with his connections to THE mob, he's got his own mob, and he's the capo di tutti capi. I think the full name of his private company is Giuliani Partners - In Crime. Yeesh.

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