Monday, November 12, 2007

Repuglipukes try to 'arrest' dissent

Dave from Queens at Kos has a interesting story:

Last night at Book Revue in Huntington, Sean Hannity's program director Phil Boyce (he of Promise Keepers, the wives submit or get hit group of the early 1990s) tried to have me arrested because he didn't like the question he thought I was going to ask Sean Hannity. Boyce called the cops on his cell phone, two policemen showed up, asked me to come with them, and a couple of hundred of Hannity sycophants cheered, clapped, and a few shouted arrest him as I walked toward the bookstore exit at the direction of the police officers. Full details will follow after the flip but the key points to remember are that no personnel of the book store ever asked me to leave while in the store, I behaved superbly and remained calm and cool at all times, and of course I committed no crimes.

An account of the incident follows.

Some additional thoughts.

First, there are instances where cops inject their personal biases, lose control, lie, etc... everyday in this country. In this instance the two Suffolk County police officers did a TERRIFIC and PROFESSIONAL job. They did their due diligence, kept their calm, ascertained the facts, figured out what was going on, and responded lawfully and professionally at all times.

Second, there is something very disturbing about people who would cheer and clap to have you arrested simply because they don't like your politics. But that's Hannity's America, it sure as hell ain't mine.

Nor mine, Dave.

Fourth, these cowards like Hannity, Boyce, and Levin can't handle debate and dissent. They operate in a world where they manipulate images, take sound bites out of context, cut people's mikes, keep informed voices off the airwaves, etc...

Fifth, the stupidity of these people like Phil Boyce amazes me. One, if you wanted somebody to leave, you probably could have gotten the store security or the store owner to get someone to leave. Two, you are a moron for calling the police on your own cell phone. If you're going to do that, you should have used a public store phone so as not to have the call traced to your records. Three, you'd be better served by having waited for me to ask whatever question I would have asked up close before taking action. Not too smart, pal.

Finally, this story needs to be told notwithstanding that I'm the subject matter of the story. The idea that leading conservative media voices would try to arrest a person simply over a question is appalling and unAmerican.

Appallingly unAmerican to be sure, but that's Repuglican policy.

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