Monday, November 26, 2007

Fetish ...

I always thought it was a repressed homosexual tendency, to be so turned on by phallic symbols such as rifles, but my only qualification is an 11th Grade sociology class. Egalia seems a bit surprised by Fred 'Wish my cock was that big and still worked' Thompson's autoerotic fantasy:

At a campaign stop in South Carolina, Freddie Thompson said "a day in paradise" is a day spent with rifles, shotguns and pistols.


I'm not.

I know a buncha guys with guns, NRA (the gun owner's Hustler* magazine) members all, and I see the look in their eyes when they're showing off one of their prized possessions. It's the same look I used to get (back when I was single) when a beautiful woman would break down and agree to make love to me. Serious, when I see a buncha gun nuts get together, I go looking for a raincoat because the spooge'll be sailing as soon as the circle jerk breaks out.

Guns are tools, just like hammers and wrenches. I'm just wondering if these are the same guys who go to Home Depot or Lowe's, buy a buncha tools on impulse, and never fix a damn thing around their homes. You know who you are, I hear your wives bitching about you all the time when they drop the car off for service. "Hey, Fixer? You got a lotta tools, how do I get my husband to fix the faucet?" Hire a plumber, lady.

Same thing with guns. They're used for self-defense or hunting for food. How many of them would throw their guns down and run away if somebody started shooting back?

Guys like these, from 'Fearless' Freddie Thompson on down, should grow up and get a life. As Mrs. F says to old guys in little red sports cars accompanied by a young woman half their age: "Sorry to hear about your dick."

Just imagine what Freddie would do as president with all the 'really good' guns the military has.

Off to work ...

*Not at work or in front of the kiddies.

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