Tuesday, November 6, 2007

How are they supposed to fight ...

My boss Harry (a Vietnam vet) always says "you can't fight a war without booze and whores," and that's his reasoning for why Iraq is such a mess. Don't know if I agree with his hypothesis but he's right about one thing. GIs need things with which to blow off steam. In Iraq, they don't have (legal) booze and I'm sure the 'business girls' are few and far between. Well, if a buncha Jesus freaks have their way, they won't even be able to take matters into their own hands ... so to speak:

WASHINGTON — Ten years after Congress banned sales of sexually explicit material on military bases, the Pentagon is under fire for continuing to sell adult fare, such as Penthouse and Playmates In Bed, that it doesn't consider explicit enough to pull from its stores.

Dozens of religious and anti-pornography groups have complained to Congress and Defense Secretary Robert Gates that a Pentagon board set up to review magazines and films is allowing sales of material that Congress intended to ban.


Know what? STFU, you sanctimonious assholes.

Great thanks to Oliver Willis for the link.

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