Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I wondered when it would start ...

So now the wingnuts are accusing Hillary of murder. Taylor Marsh looks at the latest diarrhea from WorldNutDaily:

The general election is exactly one year away so people are picking their target and it's a blast to the past.


In a new book alleging a campaign of slander and intimidation orchestrated chiefly by Hillary Clinton, Kathleen Willey points a finger of suspicion at the former first couple for the death of her husband, who was believed to have killed himself.


And so it begins. This is one of my big worries if Hillary is nominated. All this crap will start again and I wonder if she'll be able to govern effectively under the same constant pressure her husband faced. If the Dems' performance over the last year is any indication, she'll receive no help from Congress, even a Dem-controlled one. They will be cowed whether there is a Rethug majority or not as we've seen from their legislative actions so far.

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