Friday, November 30, 2007

Leahy: White House aides must comply with subpoenas

CNN Politics

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee rejected White House claims of executive privilege and demanded Thursday that key White House aides testify in the case of the controversial firings of U.S. attorneys.

Sen. Patrick Leahy ruled that president has no claim of executive privilege protecting Karl Rove and others.

The committee's investigation has found "significant and uncontroverted evidence that the president had no involvement in these firings," Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, said. Thus, the White House can't claim executive privilege or immunity, which are meant to protect private communications between a president and White House aides, he ruled.

The committee has issued subpoenas for White House chief of staff Josh Bolten and former political adviser Karl Rove, among others.

Note to Senator Leahy: All these former White House criminals think their shit don't stink and they're above the law. They're just gonna keep shinin' you on like they've been doing. Grow some balls and put some teeth into getting them to appear in front of you or they won't do it. Hint: Bench warrants, U.S. Marshals, handcuffs, orange jumpsuits.

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