Thursday, November 1, 2007

NPR’s “Car Talk” Hosts: No More “Fear-Mongering Bull-feathers” from Automakers

My two favorite radio personalities get political. At, of all places,

WASHINGTON (October 30, 2007) – The hosts of National Public Radio’s famed show “Car Talk” have sent a letter to Chairman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and the members of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming backing a 35 mile per gallon fuel economy standard for America’s vehicles that is currently being considered in Congress. In the letter, Tom and Ray Magliozzi, aka Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers, use their renowned wit and vehicle knowledge to knock down the auto industry’s continued resistance to adopt stronger fuel economy standards.

“As any listener knows, Tom and Ray are where common sense begins when it comes to cars, and when they say reaching 35 miles per gallon is feasible and the smart play for the American auto industry, people should listen” said Chairman Markey. “Automakers should stop acting like they’re playing the Tappet Brothers’ game, ‘Stump the Chumps,’ and start supporting higher fuel economy standards in Congress’ energy bill.”

If you've never listened to "Car Talk", you should start. Folks call in with all sorts of questions, and the Tappet Bros' answers range from pretty technical to the likes of "Does it go clankety-clank or tinkle-tankle-tunk?". They're funnier'n shit and know damn near as much about cars as Fixer and Bustedknuckles, whom you can visit along with a certain two-wheel correspondent who only has to know half as much since 'sickles only have half as many wheels thank God and never gets dirty above his elbows, at Fixer & Gordon.

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