Friday, November 9, 2007

Rage of Reason

Eugene Robinson

It's official: Bush Derangement Syndrome is now a full-blown epidemic. George W. Bush apparently has reduced more of his fellow citizens to frustrated, sputtering rage than any president since opinion polling began, with the possible exception of Richard Nixon.

Yes, I was angry with Nixon, but comparing how I felt about him to the way I feel about Bush is like comparing a water pistol to a fire hose.

That should be a pretty good indicator of where Bush will rank when historians get their hands on his shameful record -- in the cellar, alongside the only president who ever had to resign in disgrace.

Better yet, since there won't be many books in his presidential library, there'll be plenty of room for a diorama of Bush leaving office, using the original rail he was ridden out of town on, along with the actual tar and feathers he was wearing at the time.

It's considered racist, and rightly so, to display nooses, but I hope they can figure out a way to display the one that brings his insanity to an end.

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