Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Republicans call for withdrawal of 'hidden cost of wars' report

Raw Story

Two Republican senators say Democrats can't do math.

Or not exactly. Senior Republicans on Congress' Joint Economic Committee, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KN) and Rep. James Saxon (R-NJ) are calling on Democrats to retract a staff report alleging the hidden costs of the Iraq war could total more than $1.5 trillion.

In a joint statement issued to the Washington Post, the committee's Republicans called the report "another thinly veiled exercise in political hyperbole masquerading as academic research."

"Instead of dealing with the substance of this report, the White House is once again trying to deflect attention away from the blistering costs of this war in Iraq," he said.

Well, maybe the Dems can't do math, but the Repugs sure can. They're counting votes next November and their total is decreasing in direct proportion to the number of truthful reports that come out showing how much theft, waste, and different kinds of needless expense Bush's War is costing us.

The Repugs don't want to change their profligate ways, just shoot the messenger and burn the message.

Repug policy has always been to keep the public in the dark about what they're up to. It's all they got, and the chickens are coming home to roost.

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