Friday, November 16, 2007


[A big Brain welcome to Crooks and Liars readers]

I always have a section in the sidebar for animal rescue. Good organizations for you to donate to or adopt an animal needing a good home. Remember, between 2 and 3 million cats and dogs are euthanized every year.

The North Shore Animal League, along with the Humane Society of the United States, just accomplished a rescue of over 1100 dogs from a puppy mill in Virginia:


On November 8, 2007, North Shore Animal League America embarked on a rescue mission to help the HSUS save these endangered dogs, bringing as many of them to the safety of the League as possible. Preparing for a round trip journey of more than 1,100 miles, the League’s mobile units were packed up with the necessary provisions and ready to assess whatever conditions they were to encounter. When the League’s team of dedicated professionals arrived at the dismal destination, they worked diligently assisting with examinations, vaccinations, taking the dogs for walks, keeping them exercised, distributing feedings and keeping the chaos of hundreds of stressed dogs down to a minimum.


NSAL America has a special place in my heart. A Long Island organization located a few miles from where I work, I know first-hand the good work they do. Our Princess Shayna is a rescue and NSAL alumnus as well.

Pulling off a rescue of this size and magnitude puts a real strain on the resources so I'm making this appeal for donations on their behalf. I realize the economy is going to shit and the holidays are coming up, but even $10 will help [pass on a drink the next time you go out and you'll be able to swing it]. If you're considering a new addition to your household and you live in the NY/NJ/CT/PA area, why don't you check out some of the animals they have for adoption before buying one from a pet store that, chances are good, got their animals from a mill of the type NSAL and HSUS are trying to shut down.

If we can't help the creatures who give us so much joy, who rely on us to protect them, we really should examine our humanity.

And just a note: DO NOT GIVE DOGS AS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS UNLESS YOU KNOW THE POTENTIAL OWNER ACTUALLY WANTS ONE! Do you realize how many animals end up in shelters because a surprise gift of a puppy turns out to be too much of a commitment, or hassle, to those receiving it? Don't add to the fucking problem.

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