Monday, November 26, 2007

Ron Paul Picks Up Hookers

Monday is usually my day to post even more humor and snark than usual and sometimes pretty straight news fills the bill, like this report from Raw Story:

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, an underdog Texas congressman with a libertarian streak, has picked up an endorsement from a Nevada brothel owner.

Dennis Hof, owner of the Moonlite BunnyRanch near Carson City, said he was so impressed after hearing Paul at a campaign stop in Reno last week that he decided to raise money for him.

"I'll get all the (working girls) together, and we can raise him some money," Hof told the Reno Gazette-Journal. "I'll put up a collection box outside the door. They can drop in $1, $5 contributions."

It's only fitting. I'm sure Repugs are amongst the largest, er, contributors, yeah, that's the word, to the BunnyRanch's bottom line seeing as how it's about 5 miles due east from the Nevada State House on the only road out of Carson City that goes in that direction. I'm quite certain that illegal brothels elsewhere prosper from Repugs as well.

One of the gals endorsing Paul goes by the handle "Air Force Amy". One can only assume she's a FUNdie...sorry. You can see her, most of her in fact, at the BunnyRanch link. Oh what the heck, here. Maybe work safe if you work in the back room of an automotive garage or motorcycle shop.

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