Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Tony Peyser

Karl Rove told Charlie Rose that Congress pushed President Bush to a war with Iraq prematurely. I assume this also means that Bush only used illegal drugs in his youth because cocaine repeatedly leaped up from tables and flew into his nose.

KO and MFBTGR* tore Turdblossom a new one over it, too.

What a fuckin' asshole Rove is. And that's in addition to being yer basic lyin' sack o' crap.

And BTW, if Rove is still employed by Newspeak when my subscription runs out, I'm not renewing it. There's better comic books, which is what allowing, nay, paying, Rove to spew his shit has turned that magazine into.

*My Favorite Big-Titted Greek Redhead

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