Sunday, November 25, 2007

Supporting the Troops ...

Not hardly:

Injured soldiers who lost their limbs fighting for their country have been driven from a swimming pool training session by jeering members of the public.

The men, injured during tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, were taking part in a rehabilitation session at a leisure centre, when two women demanded they be removed from the pool. They claimed that the soldiers "hadn't paid" and might scare the children.


Maybe if you told your sniveling little rugrats the reason these vets lost their limbs and explained to them the 'moral value' of compassion and sacrifice ... Ah, why do I bother explaining terms conservatives have no capacity to understand?

The good news is, this happened in Britain and not here, though I wouldn't put it past some of our self-centered assholes either.

Thanks to Cookie Jill for the link.


  1. Различные разновидности ворожения обозначаются как мистические учения. Каждый образ ворожения исключителен и предназначен для разнообразных целей. Гадание на девушку которая нравится онлайн бесплатно и подлинность предсказаний грядущего прямолинейно зависит от опыта человека. Любой хочет предугадать свое будущее и видит конкретные варианты предсказания судьбы максимально результативными.
