Wednesday, November 28, 2007

There's no whore like an old whore...

I couldn't resist...

Click if you must


There may be more to Lott's decision to quit than just that he wants to stand under a lamppost in too much makeup and a floozy suit and make a lot of mattress money.

Think Progress. Many links. Be sure to read the comments. Heh.

But the right-wing American Spectator magazine speculates that brewing corruption scandals may have contributed to Lott’s decision:

The tin-foil-hat crowd was almost immediately pushing a Jack Abramoff angle to the surprise resignation of Sen. Trent Lott. But a more recent scandal brewing — which has already ensnared Sen. Ted Stevens, among others — may also be playing on Lott’s mind.

Lott, Stevens, as well as Rep. Dennis Hastert all have ties to Bill Allen, a larger than life Alaskan businessman who owned Veco, an oil-field services company, and who was a huge benefactor of Republican politicians.

And as if that wasn't enough:

Larry Flynt’s Hustler offers another reason for the senator’s resignation: “Senator Lott has been the target of an ongoing HUSTLER investigation for some time now, due to confidential information that we have received.”

This kinda shit ain't really all that important, but it sure is fun to see these Repug scumbags scurry when the rocks get turned over and expose them to the light.

Update due:

A comment from CAFKIA in response to The Goat Rumor:

[rushlimbaughvoice] Did you hear that people? I mean, are you listening?! There is no, none, zero, zip, nada PROOF that Trent Lott doesn't blow goats. People, lie to yourselves if you want to but, where I'm from, if we smell smoke, we know there is a fire somewhere. This is huge, HUGE people but, you watch, you just watch, because Trent Lott was nice to a Democrat once, this is the only place you will hear this news. I am the only source you can trust on this. Oh I'm a big enough man to admit when I'm wrong folks so, you listen to me. If any proof becomes available, I will publicly apologize on the air to Mr. Lott. But folks, don't hold your breath because I am telling you there is no proof. I'll just bet he doesn't even deny it. Senator Lott, will you come on my show and deny that you have blown black and brown goats?? Let's just see.[/rushlimbaughvoice]

Question - how many times can you re-use bleach? This is getting expensive...