Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Democrats Responsible For Entire Disastrous Bush Administration Reign, Says Rove

Usually I try to post the best snarky shit on Mondays. So much for Plan A. From Opinions You Should Have:

Rove went on to say that if voters wanted a change from the disastrous Bush years, they'd have to vote Republican. "It's sad how these Democrats mishandled the Bush Presidency."

Rove also blamed Bill Clinton for having "come before" Bush. "It's just awful the way Clinton directly preceded him," said Rove.

Much more.

Note to Turdblossom: You got caught lyin' big time this time. Even your accomplices, truly accomplished professional liars all, are dumpin' on you. Go away now.


Note to Turdblossom deux: It dawns on me that you're just making these outrageous claims, AKA 'lies', to try to sell books. Well, boy-o, an awful lot of folks in this country hate you and would like to see you in jail just on general principles. They're not going to put any money in your pocket. The folks who think you're a great man won't buy them because they can't read. So what you can do with the unsold print run is, what won't fit up your ass will taste a lot better boiled, with some peppers, onions, and garlic, maybe a little ketchup. Eat hearty, asshole.

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