Monday, December 10, 2007

Forgiveness ...

Not from me and not from Athenae either:


You know, it's past time we stopped giving people a pass for not criticizing this stuff from day one. We are rapidly approaching the day when this all will be counted out, and we will have to rebuild the world after the Bush years, and in that accounting, I don't really want to start handing out cookies for people who spoke up once it became clear there would be no real repercussions.

Because the minute we say it's okay to refrain, in the immediate aftermath of some terrible event, from speaking up, that's the minute we make another Bush era possible. It can't be okay, not even temporarily, not even when there will be those who call it treasonous, it can't be okay to ever look the other way while America tortures people in secret prisons. I don't care how "politically painful" it is for them. I don't care, because it's not like it wasn't blindingly obvious to everybody by like week two that every asshole with an R after his name was gonna use this to brand all Democrats as spineless pussies, it's not like we didn't know about the supposed political pain, that it was gonna come no matter what. [my em]


Indeed. The deal with 'doing the right thing' is to do it from jump street, not just when it's politically 'safe' or expedient.

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