Monday, December 24, 2007

Frohe Weihnachten*

As most of the Brain's regular readers know, I'm a godless, heathen, atheist, infidel bastid, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the magic of Christmas, especially here, in the land that gave us the fairy tale. There's nothing like seeing the look of surprise in a child's eyes when they open their presents, or just the joy of being with people that you love dearly.

Last night, I got to watch a Jewish girl from Levittown experience that magic for the first time as she helped my cousin decorate their Christbaum. It's the little things that make the season wonderful.

And I also celebrate Jesus Christ, not the myth but the man, who lived humbly and preached respect for others. If today's religious leaders would be more like the man himself, the world would be a lot better place. Jesus would puke and then crucify himself if he could see what has been done in his name over the centuries.

And at this time, those who aren't as fortunate as I am are on my mind as well. When I sit back and think about how blessed I am, to have such a great family, to be married to a wonderful woman, to be pretty well off, and to live in a land that hasn't known war and unrest as many have, I feel for those whose lives are spent in poverty and oppression.

Yes, ladies and germs, whatever your religion and circumstances, I wish you a very Merry Christmas, and please take it in the spirit it is intended. And all I want for Christmas is true "peace on Earth and goodwill to all". I leave you with Sir Bob and the gang because what they sang in 1985 is just as relevant today, maybe more so.

Merry Christmas, everybody. Or, as they say here:

Frohe Weihnachten und ein herzliches, gluckliches, Neues Jahr!

From my family to yours.

*Spelling corrected thanks to JerseyGuy.

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