Sunday, December 2, 2007

From the mouths of Babes

Normally, I wouldn't use Moonie's Washington Times to wrap fish in if I had to eat the fish, but they've got a section called 'Fishwrap' which I guess refers to what they think of the opinions therein. Like those of The Old Ay-rab on Rove's gig at Newspeak.

Columnist Helen Thomas brought down the house this morning in the White House briefing room.

Ms. Thomas, as the morning, off-camera gaggle wound down, asked White House press secretary Dana Perino what President Bush thinks of former advisor Karl Rove being given a regular column by Newsweek.

Mrs. Perino turned the question back on Ms. Thomas, and asked her what she thought.

"I think it's terrible," Ms. Thomas said.

That was the whole article. Further development was limited to a coupla Repuglitard comments.

Ms. Thomas, my invitation for a night out stands.


See more of the exchange between Ms. Thomas and 'Danial' Perino at Raw Story.

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