Thursday, December 6, 2007

Let Us Spray

Checkpoint Jerusalem

A little girl with pigtails in a pink dress has an Israeli soldier standing spread-eagle against a wall as she frisks him for weapons.

Down the street, an Israeli soldier has stopped a donkey and is checking his ID.

Nearby, a large rat holding a slingshot looks as if he is prepared to launch a few stones at Israel's towering concrete wall separating Bethlehem from Israel.

Welcome to Santa's Ghetto, a new artistic/political collaboration led by the celebrated/infamous/mysterious British artist known as Banksy.

This year, Banksy returned with an artistic posse and decided to bring Santa's Ghetto to Bethlehem as a way to highlight the political situation.

"If it's safe enough for a bunch of sissy artists then it's safe enough for anyone," he told The Times of London.

Sissy artists indeed!

Go see this. You'll like it.

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