Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Of course ...

This was gonna happen. Thanks to the lying and obfuscating by this government, the insane Persian nitwit is crowing like a rooster at sunrise:

TEHRAN, Iran - A new U.S. intelligence review concluding Iran stopped developing an atomic weapons program in 2003 is a "declaration of victory" for Iran's nuclear program, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday.


What can we say? Yes, our President is a lying, war-mongering moron? True to form though, this administration pulls something out of its ass:


[SECSTATE] Rice declined to respond to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's remark, but told reporters in the Ethiopian capital that the public release of the National Intelligence Estimate showed the Bush administration was committed to transparent democracy, while Iran was not.


Yup, gotta love that transparent democracy. When was the NIE supposed to be released? February?

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