Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bai Ca Truong Son

I was reading an article at Kos by truong son traveler on the 40th anniversary of the Tet Offensive, a turning point in the Vietnam War.

The Vietnam War sums up thusly, the shortest and best quote about the eventual outcome:

As a final comment especially for those who claim that "we were never defeated on the battlefield". Those people most certainly never spent much time on the "battlefields" of this, a mostly unreported small-unit war. Not that it mattered anyway, for as General Giap said, "We were prepared to lose for longer than you were prepared to win." (my em)

I got curious as is my wont. What the hell is a 'truong son'? Turns out it's a mountain range in Central Vietnam in the Greater Annamite chain. I ran across this video. My grasp of Vietnamese is slightly less than my tenuous hold on English, but I recognized a coupla place names, and 'My' which I think means 'American' in a picture of a Huey.

While we're remembering Tet, let's not forget the outcome of that war. Enjoy this.

I wonder if in 40 years we'll be watching Iraqi videos like that.

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