Sunday, January 27, 2008

Biodh An Deoch Seo 'N Làimh Mo Rùin

I was just taking a little snowy Sunday break from the liars and pontificators and I went and found some nice music. I used to watch the Transatlantic Sessions on Ovation TV before our cable company got bought out by SuddenlyNoLink, who in a startling display of stupidity, ditched it. They used to have Indian, Korean, and all kinds of world music as well. I liked it all. Mrs. G thought (and thinks!) I'm nuts. Who am I to argue...

So now, in a desperate attempt to get out of a "crazy redneck music" bag I've recently found myself in, I present Julie Fowlis with Jenna Reid & Donal Lunny. The pricks disabled the embedding, no doubt in a fit of crass commercialism. There are others I could have posted the videos of, but I like this one.

Note: A wee dram of some smoky adult beverage with the peat still in it will help in your understanding. Maybe not so 'wee'. Perhaps 'Whee!'.

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