Thursday, January 31, 2008

For $400 billion ...

It'd be cheaper than stealing someone else's oil. Greenboy sends us to a Scientific American article laying out a good plan to switch to solar energy, though it would require a $400+ billion investment of public funds. How much has Iraq cost us again? Can we consider those results successful?


The federal government would have to invest more than $400 billion over the next 40 years to complete the 2050 plan. That investment is substantial, but the payoff is greater. Solar plants consume little or no fuel, saving billions of dollars year after year. The infrastructure would displace 300 large coal-fired power plants and 300 more large natural gas plants and all the fuels they consume. The plan would effectively eliminate all imported oil, fundamentally cutting U.S. trade deficits and easing political tension in the Middle East and elsewhere. Because solar technologies are almost pollution-free, the plan would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants by 1.7 billion tons a year, and another 1.9 billion tons from gasoline vehicles would be displaced by plug-in hybrids refueled by the solar power grid. In 2050 U.S. carbon dioxide emissions would be 62 percent below 2005 levels, putting a major brake on global warming.


Not that I'm any sort of expert on solar energy, but it's one of the better pans I've heard in the last few years. As Greenboy says:


In any event, my issue is largely a quibble, as even Big Solar would be preferable to Big Oil by enabling Uncle Sam to give the finger to the Sheiks, reduce pollution and carbon dioxide emissions...and lower our overall cost of energy. Not to mention the creation of a large number of jobs in the growing solar industry that would be hard to outsource.

Something has do be done soon and I hope Hillary and Obama realize that. U.S. energy policy has been a bad joke since this bunch of criminals took office. The answer is not drilling for domestic oil in ANWR, as my idiot brother-in-law thinks (but he also thinks Rush Lintball is a great guy), or stealing the resources of a sovereign nation, but getting this nation free from the petroleum noose permanently, sooner rather than later.

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