Tuesday, January 8, 2008

From castrating bitch ...

To weak little woman in the time it takes to boil an egg. There's never a timer around when you need one*.

I see** it's not just me who noticed:


This pattern of systematic character destruction (and sexism) is not just bad for Senator Clinton, it's bad for all progressives, who are always the victims of the professional rightwing smear institutions and the puerile press corps that can't get enough of this stuff. We need to figure out a way to change this or we are going to be seeing more of our progressive politicians --- many of whom you may like better than Hillary Clinton --- turned into vessels of irrational loathing over time.


Matt Stoller, Jane Hamsher, Steve Benen and D-Day below have posts about the revolting pile-on today about her choking up. It's making me sick to my stomach.


Taylor Marsh says it succinctly:


Like I've been saying, tap into voters with emotion. It's the only way to win. To add, people know when something is contrived. There is no doubt that she's exhausted and the wall politicians usually erect completely falls in this exchange. She shared her honest feelings with the voters, revealing the Hillary people who've known her for years says is behind the politician we see every day. It's a continuation of the "That hurts my feelings," likability moment during the debate on Saturday, which was delivered so flawlessly. There's a part of Hillary Clinton that has not been revealed to the public. It's who she is and people need to meet that part of her. It was a very real moment.


Yeah, heaven forbid the castrating bitch shows emotion. The talking heads and Rethugs will have to think up other ways to assault her, like calling her 'weak' or implying 'it was staged'. I agree with Taylor that it wasn't. If she's that good an actor, she'd be collecting another Oscar instead of running for President.

Hillary was correct, lo those many years ago when she spoke of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Any Dem candidate who, hopefully (I've been a Mets fan for too long to believe anything is a lock), wins the general election in November will be met with the type of personal attacks, mostly in the form of lies, designed to stifle any attempts to undo the mess Bush has made. The next President will have a hell of a time, even with a majority in Congress (which is no sure thing). Just look at what the Clintons put up with, all of the allegations (save a blowjob) untrue.

If you think it's ugly now, wait until the Dem candidate is chosen. The only thing being castrated will be the Dem who wins the general election. The old white men of the Grand Obfuscation Party are sharpening their knives as we speak.

*Apologizing for paraphrasing The American President so shamelessly.

**This is not to say I'm endorsing Hillary or anyone else yet. I still have a lot of questions that haven't been answered. All of the top three say things I like and things I don't like. The guy I really liked (Dodd) is no longer in the running. We'll see who's still standing when the traveling show comes to New York.

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