Friday, January 18, 2008

Head in the sand ...

An addendum to Gord's post below, C & L has this bit from the Today show. Matt Lauer interviewed Jim Cramer (the investment nut) and basically asked him why he didn't lie about the strength of the economy to his viewers:


In other words, STFU! Yea Matt, forget about the truth. Hell, it worked so well in the run up to the war in Iraq, didn’t it? Logic in Lying—stick your head in the sand. I hate to break it to Matt, but these NAFTA lovers lie on teevee day in and day out about the economy ...

We watch ABC News in the mornings from 4-5. Every day they have a 'business report' featuring some talking head from BusinessWeek or one of the big investment houses. Not a one of them over the past year (as all the writing was appearing on the wall saying a recession was imminent) voiced any worry about the subprime mess and the ramifications of it on broader markets, many actively cheering the real estate market as the enormity of the ARM readjustment fiasco was becoming apparent.

Big Shitpile (© Atrios) is the 800lb. gorilla in the room that everybody wanted to ignore. Many are still trying, but when you understand what's all involved, it's impossible to deny.

This 'economic stimulus package', once the lobbyists get done twisting arms, won't save us either (Remember the $300 you got in 2001-2? Remember what you did with it? Yeah, me neither). At this point, after years of denial, the only way to get it over with is to take our poison and hope we live through it.

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