Thursday, January 3, 2008

Huckabee: Typical Union-Busting Repug

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From Ornery Bastard:

Before former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee appeared yesterday on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, officials from the Writers Guild of America contacted his staff to “clear up any ‘confusion’” by making “it crystal clear that he was indeed crossing a picket line.” The Machinists (IAM) union, which has endorsed Huckabee, also implored him not to cross the picket line, saying “he risks losing the support his jobs and economic policies have won for him among trade unionists.”
My bold.
Article from Think Progress

That does it for me.
Mr. Huckabee has crossed a line that can't be uncrossed.

I would like for everyone that reads this to spread this message;
Mike Huckabee is a Scab.
Scabs do not belong in the Whitehouse.

Why, Nucks, how can you say such a thing about a candidate who has been personally chosen by Gawd?

Did we expect anything else from a Repug? They would much rather outlaw unions. Then they wouldn't have to outsource the good jobs. They could pay third-world wages right here at home and really clean up without all the trouble.

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