Saturday, January 12, 2008

It's the propaganda, stupid ...

Swiped a great paragraph from a wonderful post by Greenwald:


The reason we basically block out from our public discourse the effects our behavior has on innocent human beings -- the reason, for instance, we don't bother to count Iraqi victims and the reason we exempt our own behavior from any sort of scrutiny other than the most self-absorbed -- is because that's the only way that the propaganda can be sustained ("Freedom is on the March. We're Liberating Them. They're so Grateful. Winning Hearts and Minds"). Is there anyone who could make a list of all of the pros and cons from our invasion of Iraq and -- while including the hundreds of thousands of innocent dead human beings and the 4 million who are displaced -- argue that it was worth it? What kind of moral depravity would allow that argument to be made? [my em]


I don't give a shit if we're finally winning over there, or the 'surge is working' or whatever. It was morally wrong to invade Iraq. It was morally wrong to inflict such great harm on all those innocents. And it is morally wrong to keep up the charade when there was only one reason to be there in the first place. It's spelled O-I-L, and don't let anyone tell you differently.

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