Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Click to make her pooch up

This is our new pup, Maggie, that we picked up on Sunday from Golden Gate Springer Rescue in Fremont CA. She's 2-3 years old and was surrendered by her previous owner, referred to by her foster mom, Cheryl, as a "so-called breeder". Sounds like a brood mare at a puppy mill, so I'm glad she's out of that situation. She's had one litter, we think.

Maggie's a little skittish right now, and doesn't want to try anything new, like getting in the pickup or climbing the steps to my house, but once Big Strong Daddy (me) applies a little 'oomph' the first time, then she's OK.

She's got a very sweet disposition, and doesn't appear to have an ounce of alpha in her. She and Tami are getting along good, although Tami's eyes are maybe a shade greener right now from not being the only one getting attention lavished on her. They get along OK, and I'm sure that will pass quickly.

Maggie is long of body and leg, and lean of figure. I'll bet she can run real fast, although we're not letting her run off leash for a few days. Everybody's in an adjustment period right now, but I think it will pass quickly and get settled down.

Me'n Mrs. G are very happy with her.

Remember: Until There Are None, Adopt One.

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