Monday, January 21, 2008

More 'Support the troops, my ass'

Military Times

Retired Army Gen. Tommy Franks was paid $100,000 — out of donations made to wounded veterans — for allowing his name to be used on fundraising appeals by a charity that has come under increasing scrutiny for the way it handles its money.

Ya shoulda hocked that big Medal of Freedom the Chimp gave ya, Franks. By the pound. The medal's worthless.

Lawmakers pushed Chapin and two executives of fundraising companies on the question of whether solicitations should disclose information about the percentage of donations that a group spends on fundraising.

“If we disclose, we’d be out of business,” Chapin said.

“Your words are wonderful, because if the public knew, they wouldn’t donate,” said Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn.


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