Monday, January 14, 2008

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

Iran Will Buy Advanced Russian Antiaircraft System
Putin thanks the United States.

Declassified Documents Reveal 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Incident Never Happened
Administration rushes to have documents reclassified.

Michael Bloomberg Named 44th President of the United States
Transaction involves mostly cash, some stock options.

Celebrity Rehab” a Hit With Viewers
Producers have no trouble selling spinoff, “Off the Wagon.”

I think I actually watched a coupla minutes of that by mistake last night, thinking it was a serious show about people trying to get sober. I changed the channel after the rehab folks took away Mary Carey's dildo! Some entertaining scenes of celebs drunk on their ass, though.

Administration Unveils Plan for National Identity Card
If you've got one (above) you can go anywhere without being hassled.

Have a nice day.

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